Monday, September 7, 2015

People Who Can't Read Are Bumming


People Who Can't Read Are Bumming

I spent this past holiday weekend with friends in Hamilton.
I still know a lot of people there, and the reason I no longer live in Hamilton is due to the fact that Hamilton is just not cool. I will expand on that in the next chapter.

Also, I find that quite a few people do not respect rules in Hamilton, and therefore do not respect other people.
I don't want to go as far as to say they are assholes, but they need to understand that the world does not revolve around Hamilton. (It actually revolves around Toronto).

On Sunday I was at Limeridge Mall on Hamilton Mountain.

I was waiting at the entrance in front of the bus terminal for a buddy of mine, and I saw a group of people, at least four of them, smoking right in front of this sign:

In Toronto, people respect this rule and follow it, and it is enforced.
Limeridge mall security, who are supposed to be enforcing this, were very busy upstairs making a lot of noise dragging and dropping risers on the second floor. A much more important job than enforcing a safety policy.

It is obvious that (more than a few) Hamilton people have absolutely no respect for anyone except themselves.
It kind of reminds me of another Ontario city, Does anyone remember Mississauga?
I try not to.

One of the World's Coolest Cities

Another thing I noticed about Hamilton is the number of pickup trucks. Everyone drives a truck there. You hardly see them in Toronto. Everyone drives an SUV in Toronto.
Why do you need a truck in the city?
How cool can you be driving a pickup truck? That's like driving a minivan or a Hummer.
(That's right. A Hummer isn't cool, either, even if the people driving them think they are.)
Nothing screams, "I'm cool" more than an F-150.
Picking up the girlfriend in the ol' truck. "Hey, baby, jump in the back, and hope it doesn't rain."

That reminds me of back in the 90s when Hamilton was known as "The Country and Western Capital of Canada".
Wow, cool.
What, are NO tourists enough for Hamilton?

Hamilton's economy is going down the crapper, because they rely on only one source of income, steel making.
Well, that industry is going downhill, and is taking Hamilton with it.
Hamilton could do well with tourism, but they have to do better to promote it, A bit of coolness helps.
Don't get me wrong, there are really no cool cities in Canada,
If I were to rank them out of 10, Hamilton would be a 1, Calgary would be a 2, Toronto would be a 5, Vancouver would be a 6, and Montreal has the highest coolness factor, and its only an 8.
Hamilton could do much better, Although, it is better than Mississauga.

I don't want to compare Hamilton too closely with Mississauga, because there is a bit of a difference.
I have friends in Hamilton, and they are really nice people.
Mississauga people are assholes, Hamilton, as a city, is just not cool.
It is unfortunate, because Hamilton has a lot of potential.
They also need a real CFL team.

---The Brick